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1 members, created by Rana Kashif Zaheer - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for Pakistani Game Journalists. Come here to talk with your Pakistani colleagues.
5 members, created by Andrew M - updated 14 year(s) ago
For all those interested in layouts, logos, user interface design, video graphics, and the design side of making your own mag/website/videos, etc. =)
1 members, created by JC John Sese Cuneta - updated 14 year(s) ago
Game Press Network for ASEANs.
3 members, created by Igor Belan - updated 14 year(s) ago
A group for all game journalists from Croatia. Come here to talk with your Croatian colleagues.
11 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from Italy. Come here to talk with your Italian colleagues.
20 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from Ireland. Come here to talk with your Irish colleagues.
1 members, created by Husain Haffejee - updated 14 year(s) ago
A group for all journalists from South Africa or residing in South Africa.
35 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from Brazil. Come here to talk with your Brazilian colleagues.
44 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from Canada. Come here to talk with your Canadian colleagues.
27 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from Australia. Come here to talk with your Australian colleagues.
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