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15 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from Spain. Come here to talk with your Spanish colleagues. Forum is exclusively for Spanish Game Journalists and in Spanish language.
20 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from Germany. Come here to talk with your German colleagues. Forum is exclusively for German Game Journalists and in German.
287 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from the United States of America. Come here to talk with your American colleagues.
25 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from France. Come here to talk with your French colleagues. Discussions in French are allowed in this group.
227 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from the United Kingdom. Come here to talk with your UK colleagues.
79 members, created by Tom Gameleon - updated 14 year(s) ago
Group for all game journos from the Benelux, a union in Western Europe that comprises three neighbouring countries: Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Come here to talk with your Benelux colleagues. Discussions are allowed in Dutch and French here.
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