Games Publications & Businesses Directory
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Emerging indie game development company focused on the mobile entertainment market.
BiP media is an independent French video game studio dedicated to the creation of entertaining, innovative and high-quality games for PC, Nintendo, Microsoft, Apple & Sony consoles.
Bit Loaders focuses on downloadable and cloud-based gaming. We cover everything on XBLA, PSN, Wii Ware, Steam, iOS, OnLive and more.
We're a bit "off the grid" here at Bitmob. Plenty of other sites do a great job of delivering the same news, previews, and reviews you've been used to for years.
Blackman 'N Robin: Delivering select gaming, movie, music, and comic news- Everyone is a Critic!
Leading independent games developer, based in the UK.
Bone-idle covers Film and Gaming Reviews, Previews and News.
Braintonik is an independent casual gaming company.
Brutally Honest!
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