Directory Listings Tagged: iPhone
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The Premier Independent Video Game News Source
The Premier Independent Video Game News Source
Provides snarky commentary and biased opinion on videogames for the entertainment of all (or none)
Gaming Unwrapped is a video game media website covering all aspects of the gaming industry.
Mini Monster is comprised of a team of industry veterans who provide interactive ad campaigns, promotional applications, online games, and mobile applications for iPhone and Android.
MyInsideGamer is a delightful, lovely gaming website, which coincidentally provides you delightful, lovely content! We have four Starbucks in our canteen — one on every corner, obviously — to help us get through each crazy day. - Because we're not all hardcore
Playlogic Entertainment, Inc. is an independent worldwide publisher of digital entertainment software.
Playtesting and usability testing for mobile games. We provide you with high-quality video recordings of first-time players of your games. No code changes required!
Indie game developer for the iPhone, and Google Android mobile platforms
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