Games Publications & Businesses Directory
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A specialist video games communications agency.
Independent publisher and developer of wargames and strategy games. Selling online and via retail stores since 1997!
Beatshapers is a new generation video games development and publishing company, located in the heart of East Europe, Kiev, Ukraine.
Emerging indie game development company focused on the mobile entertainment market.
BiP media is an independent French video game studio dedicated to the creation of entertaining, innovative and high-quality games for PC, Nintendo, Microsoft, Apple & Sony consoles.
Bit Loaders focuses on downloadable and cloud-based gaming. We cover everything on XBLA, PSN, Wii Ware, Steam, iOS, OnLive and more.
We're a bit "off the grid" here at Bitmob. Plenty of other sites do a great job of delivering the same news, previews, and reviews you've been used to for years.
Blackman 'N Robin: Delivering select gaming, movie, music, and comic news- Everyone is a Critic!
Leading independent games developer, based in the UK.
Bone-idle covers Film and Gaming Reviews, Previews and News.
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