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PR Dos and Don'ts
It's really, tremendously not.

8 topics   62 posts
Haha, I hope we get sent some outlandish stuff. The weirdest thing we've had so far is a interchangable farming vehicles keyring lol.

2 topics   22 posts
A what?! That sounds like a key where you can steal every farm-vehicle with :P

2 topics   72 posts
Sony has had some totally bad ideas when it comes to PR lately, specifically the old and the new PS3 ads. Remember the baby sitting in the room with the Ps3? That was creepy as hell!

Sony should take a page out of Microsoft's and Nintendo's book and try to display a more open commercial, with people actually playing the console rather then a creepy baby doll.

Mad props to Sony though for the Canada plays PSP commercial, still one of my favourite adverts of all time.

0 topics   3 posts
I wrote an essay comparing the early Wii ads with the early PS3 ads (like the baby one). It covered the psychology and messages behind them, how the Wii was made to come across as subservient while the PS3 tried to go for a 'I will explode your head' power.

It was pretty sweet.

2 topics   26 posts
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