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Xugo Gaming, feedback wanted?
Hey all,

Pretty new to this whole scene, but I'm working now as a news editor for Xugo Gaming now. We just launched our new layout. The aim was to provide a simple, clean and classy design. Our strength lies in our small team dynamic and focused goals, and we wanted the simple and straight forward design to reflect that. We chose bright colors because, well, there's just too many gaming websites with dark color schemes out there.

Any thoughts? Criticism? Pointers?

1 topics   1 posts
The layout is indeed simple and clean, but for it to be classy I think it still needs that extra little something. It's all really functional, and I can not give any direct recommendations, but it feels like it still is missing something.

I see there is a pretty active community, that's really great to see. It looks like this community can support the editorial part of the site as well.

I like the idea of Xugo Gaming aiming to provide a convenient hub for gaming articles, reviews, previews and news from a number of major gaming networks and websites and not focusing to much on your "own" content.

Is this site custom made or a CMS system?

5 topics   52 posts
Hey, thanks for the kind words.

It's all custom; the whole thing is actually just a side project of a larger web development studio. He's a real pro, always impresses me.

I hope to find that extra something to add a bit of classiness. I think I know what you mean about it missing something, though.

1 topics   1 posts

Moderators: Tom