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Debug Hardware
If you find one for sale on eBay or through anyone else, then you are acquiring it illegally and I've heard they'll run in the ballpark of $2000.

If you establish yourself as quality freelance writer for multiple major outlets then your chances of getting one from Sony or Microsoft is much better. If you do get one from Sony or Msoft then it's free; essentially it's on permanent loan and is technically Sony or Msoft's property still.

1 topics   4 posts
My first debug is on the way! :D

0 topics   20 posts
Nick Akerman wrote...
My first debug is on the way! :D



Spread the word! Invite your fellow game journalists to join.

6 topics   37 posts
Nick Akerman wrote...
My first debug is on the way! :D

Congrats. I'm trying to be as patient as possible and let my requests work through the system, but it's an incredibly frustrating process to sit through when I'm missing out on a ton of potential assignments I could be getting from editors I work with by not having access to the thing. Deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Patience. ARGH. 

6 topics   34 posts
I've just received my debug console, superb service from Nintendo.

0 topics   20 posts
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Moderators: Tom