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What do you prefer? Written reviews or videoreviews
It really depends on the amount of time I have. I enjoy reading reviews, but I also appreciate if there's a video of gameplay showing examples if I plan to purchase/rent the game. I feel as though in videos, some people don't have the greatest voices and can be too monotone or just plain distracting. The only video reviews that I've remained committed to are that of X-Play--I can load them onto my iPod, see game footage, and get a narration of the pros and cons in less than two minutes. That's important when I'm traveling and/or I have little time for reading.

0 topics   4 posts

5 topics   14 posts
Video, but not commercialised video. We ensure we keep our video reviews down to earth and interesting. As much as's video reviews are professional, there is no personal touch and a barrier between the journalist and the consumer. We're an 80%>20% online website.

2 topics   22 posts
I like them both! Written reviews certainly go in depth describing almost everything about the game, while videos give you a direct look on piece of the action.

You should try both for a while and decide which media suits you better. If you think you can describe game better with words and some pictures you should definitely choose to write reviews in that manner. Same thing goes for videos.

1 topics   8 posts
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Moderators: Tom