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Nice review, Jared! It's the first review I've read for the game--unless you want to count the numerous "This port sucks!" comments from people who hadn't actually played it but felt compelled to flood forums--and it seems like a balanced report on how the game plays.

0 topics   9 posts
Some good work here, guys. Here are the last few bits and bobs I put up -

Prototype Hands-on -

Space Invaders Extreme review -

Clover (XNA) interview -

Portfolio website -

1 topics   1 posts
I write for two sites: and

This is my GamingTarget profile:

My GamerNode stuff can be found here: and here:

You'll notice neither GamerNode columns have been updated in a while. They have been, but recently the site suffered a massive hard drive crash and we lost everything up until Feb 28. Sucks.


0 topics   1 posts
I'll admit I'm a bit nervous about this, but here goes:

A couple of my opinion articles:
Survival Horror:


And some reviews:

Band of Bugs:

Civilization: Revolution:

Ah well, always worth the leap of faith I guess.

0 topics   1 posts
I had fun with this Punch-Out!! review at Green Pixels:

6 topics   34 posts
Still working on getting a personal site together than will contain links to the rest of my work. Like a one stop shop.

My latest big piece was probably about Terminator Salvation crashing on install.

3 topics   9 posts
Don't seem to have posted this, so...

My inFAMOUS review, went live on Tuesday;

0 topics   7 posts
Just two little things here for you to read!
First up my review of The Sims 3:
Second just a little thing we don on sundays:

0 topics   9 posts
I haven't written in some months due to the project I'm working on, We are making two video game cartoons, H3d Shot and H3D Shot retro, We just got an animation test done and posted but now were working on our intro/pilot episodes. We are doing H3d Shot and H3d Shot retro, So we can have fun with all aspects of gaming, and hey, it's a cartoon so we can even port in Master Chief and a Transformer if we need to. Here is the animation test and voice test we did to make sure everything is going to turn out how we want it, so far its pretty good for spending nothing but time on it.

As for more serious, written work see :


Gamestop Pairing Fitness Games With Ladies Mags

F.E.A.R. 2 Dev Hates On Expansion Makers

And the top video game search term of 2008 is … RuneScape?


SOCOM: Confrontation Video Game Review

0 topics   2 posts
Nice work James, very pro-looking.
'Go write about it on your facebook' I lolled.

2 topics   26 posts
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Moderators: Tom