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Social Media integration/general promotion
 Hey guys, 

I was wondering if you have any tips on using social media to its fullest extent. At the moment, I noticed reddit and Digg as well as stumbleupon work pretty well with our type of content, but wanted to know if you had any other methods to get your stuff out there. Thanks!

1 topics   2 posts
Youtube, twitter, facebook and linkedin.

5 topics   14 posts
Don't forget RSS, you can set up your RSS feed via Feedburner to automatically post an update on a Twitter account whenever new content is added.

0 topics   2 posts
On you can submit your news as well as other content to the website similiar to N4G but way better. Articles, videos, images, cheats, news, etc.

1 topics   7 posts
I strongly suggest setting up Fanpages via Facebook and twitter to post news through there as well. Getting as many links back to your site through social networking helps a lot.

3 topics   9 posts

Moderators: Tom