After months of hard work, we've finally reached the finish line -- The Cold War Era officially goes on sale Monday, May 13th!
It's a really good feeling to reach this point. From the first beta until now, it's been a long journey, but a rewarding one. And at the end of it, we have something to share with others that we can be truly proud of.
To celebrate the big day, we're hosting a PVP party Monday evening -- we're hoping everyone will get online to play at the same time so we can have maximum PVP matchups!

We'll also be answering messages via the Alina Digital forums while the party is ragin'.
The game's release is truly a milestone, but there's still so much more to do! I'm truly excited to see what the result is once the game hits the hands of the public and so many people get to play it for the first time.
It is going to be epic!
-Madeline M