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Good Community Wordpress Plugins

My site isn't busy just now but before it gets there I want to add a community type commenting system to it. You know, one where people can agree/disagree on peoples comments then I can have high scoring commenters etc.

Currently I use commentluv for comments but don't really think its that great. I originally put it in for dofollow links but there doesn't seem to be that many gaming blogs using it.

Can anyone advise?



War of Legends Login 
2 topics   7 posts
I think I might know someone who might help. He is on Gameleon, his name is Patrick Stutzenburg Jr. Look him up, he might be able to give you some options.

0 topics   1 posts
Well I will try and find a solution for you Colin

7 topics   29 posts
thanks very much Patrick :)


War of Legends Login 
2 topics   7 posts

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