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N4G Problems - Adding Game Relations
I'm sure many of you here use N4G as a means to attracting more hits and I was wondering if anyone has come across any problems during posting.  I'm currently unable to add related games to my posts one multiple computers that are on different networks, and using different browsers (Chrome, FireFox and IE).  It's an issue that's been plaguing me for awhile now, and likely dropping my hits from N4G. 

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

3 topics   9 posts
No i havent, however since we're on the topic of N4G it annoys me that when you post a video review, people will not approve it unless you give a direct path to the video. Since our video host is YouTube, youtube get all the hits and not our website. It's pretty dumb that the site doesn't get any acknowledgement.

Which makes me think more and more about getting a FLV player plugin and hosting the videos directly from our server in future.

2 topics   22 posts
Make sure you add the consoles as channels - if not, the option is unavailable. It took me three months to realize that!

0 topics   1 posts
Perhaps that's it. If I remember correctly many of the items were simply feature/opinion pieces and were placed under Gaming.

3 topics   9 posts
I don't mean to revive a 4 month old thread, but give Universal Gaming Database a try, the restrictions are not crazy like N4G and what is offered on the site in terms of user power and what can be done is amazing.

1 topics   7 posts

Moderators: Tom