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I am being sued for libel by Evony
Extremely scary, and makes me sick to my stomach. Government protecting the rich.. sounds like the basis for a global economy. I can't really do much except give you my moral support, but you definitely have it.

@Dean what else could we do? Though i agree and think you points are definitely true, does that mean we should just let things like this happen and not speak up about it? I understand what you are getting at, but even if it does generate more press for Evony, the people that are exposed to the dark side of this horrible beast will see how bad they are, and hopefully then, not support it.

1 topics   2 posts
 I'm new to the boards and I stumbled across this post. I'm shocked! I'll keep checking in on your blog as its been a few months since you started this thread. Check in to let us know you're sane  :)
I hope you manage to find a resolution to this that doesn't mean you have to shell-out a tonne of money. Sure, there may be no such thing as bad publicity for UMGE but hopefully this and cases like it will raise awareness of just how terrible libel tourism really is.
Fingers crossed Jack Straw will make good on his decision to reform our libel laws.

“A free press can’t operate or be effective unless it can offer readers comment as well as news. What concerns me is that the current arrangements are being used by big corporations to restrict fair comment, not always by journalists but also by academics,” 
 - Jack Straw


 The Hundredth Idiot
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Moderators: Tom