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Addict Of Fiction gaming community just recently launched a little over a week ago.

Thanks in advance.  or

1 topics   0 posts
The site is one of the most unique I have seen letting users submit the content and stuff of that sorts. Its quite impressive overall keep up the good work

0 topics   1 posts
Dude, well done! I love your navigation buttons, and the way the sites background has a transparency so you can see the background image as you scroll. The one suggestion I would give is that your logo is a bit hard to see as the gradient melds into the white background. Maybe instead of going with a black to white gradient us a black to light grey, or add a very unobtrusive low opacity drop shadow to make it pop. Oh and once you get past the featured stuff the page gets a bit cluttered and busy. My eyes were jumping all over the page. There should be a smooth flow of content while scrolling.

BTW, your bookmark icon is super badass:)

4 topics   14 posts

Moderators: Tom