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Ice Bullet: the bobsleigh simulator looking for reviews

My name Is Leonardo Ibanez, Community Manager for Artico Media,. We are from Spain (yes spain, sun, beach, sangría and iphone) and we are looking for reviews about our game Ice Bullet. We can say it is the best bobsleigh simulator game since the classic game for Commodore 64. Yes and it is now on the app store.

The game has AGON online ranking system and integration with social networks, you unlock a new  achievement and this is showed on your Facebook or twitter account. Very cool. 

We are looking for review, from UK, germany, Ireland, france, US, Spain... any place! We want to know your feedback. It is our first project and all the experience we can get from you will be use in the future. Guys, thank you very much for your time, and I hope you enjoy with the game.

And few pictures:
Ice Bullet

Ice Bullet

Ice Bullet

Any question or promo material, don´t hesitate to contact me.

1 topics   3 posts

Moderators: Tom