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 Hey guys!

I'm new here. I'm the editor of gaming blog GameKiq. We've been quiet for a while, but we're trying to use our experience at PAX to spark the site again. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions or comments about it? The comments are a little wonky at the bottom of the posts; that's a problem with the theme that we're working on.


1 topics   0 posts
If you want to keep your visitors, one of the most important things is continuity. If they see post on the frontpage that go way back to the summer of 2009, that will most likely scare away most people.

Some small suggestions:

- Move your site to the root folder of your server. A lot of sites use Wordpress, and WP is a great CMS, but that does not mean you have to put your entire site in

- Your footer is not displaying correctly in Firefox. "Subscribe to this site's RSS feed" is on the left and is not linking to your RSS.

Good luck!

5 topics   52 posts
I don't know what your site's focus is. I'm looking at it, and although fairly well designed, all I can see is a lot of features from PAX - not a lot else. Are you a site dedicated to major events? Features? News? Reviews? All of the above?

The reader needs to know what you're trying to do, as then they're more likely to stay with you. If you're just a bit "all over the place" they will go elsewhere, after all, there are a million and one gaming sites out there. You need to make yours different and defined.

3 topics   34 posts

Moderators: Tom