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Breaking Into the Industry
It's alright, ;-). =D Kudos to you regards Pocket Gamer, ^_^.

Prior to GSUK, I had no office experience. =P
I went for a job interview in the magazine export division at Comag in 2007, and hit that "no experience" wall, as regards being in an office, =P. That was a shock. =P Maybe I shouldn't have brought my pink teddy bear to the interview, ^_^.

14 topics   111 posts
As another newly hatched games journalist, thanks for all the advice. I'm sure there are tons of ex-lurkers like me that appreciate it.

0 topics   2 posts
Some of the advice here is great. I am not exactly new to game journalism but I really do not have to be desperately looking for jobs for another four years. I wanna use the four years from now till 2014 to build connections with people in the industry and go to college and get my degree in broadcast journalism. I'm only a high school senior. Even though I am young, I have 4 years of experience. I started young. I live on Long Island so NYC is a train ride away and I will be going to college in upstate NY. Any advice on good internships in the area related to video game or tech journalism?

1 topics   3 posts
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Moderators: Tom