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Feedback for
We are always looking to gain a larger following and become better.  GamersCast Podcast has been around for five years and we have a decent amount of traffic.  We would like your feedback to make our site better.  Go to and tell me what you think.  Every opinion helps.

1 topics   3 posts
Just some small notes:

- When visiting, the latest podcast automatically starts when it's loaded. Not knowing that, I already clicked the video on the right and it was already playing, resulting in a video playing with audio and some seconds later the podcast starting, which is kind of confusing. 

- If two people are talking in the podcast, one volume is considerably lower than the other.

- The forums show almost no activity and if there is any, it's spam robots messing around. You're using a default vBulletin skin, which is not really attractive. I would suggest closing down the forums if there is not going to be any improvement in this area, as it takes down the quality of the complete site.

5 topics   52 posts
I think you guys should get a more attractive design. When I checked it out, it seemed plain and the site looks dead almost.

The news underneath should be defaulted to a full screen view. The little window that it takes place in seems cramped and cluttered and makes trying to read the news a bit of a hassle. Having the news full screen underneath will make the site seem more active.

More frequent news updates would be better as well. Especially since it's on the main page, that's the first thing people are going to see. What you could do is, be a Podcast only site. I think that'd be better and create more focus for the site. Also, if people had the ability to comment under each podcast post, that'd create a better sense of community.

And I agree with Bregt, remove the forum. If it's a dead forum, it's better to remove it and wait for people to request a forum from you instead.

Keep on truckin man!

2 topics   10 posts
I agree with the previous replies. I didn't like that the podcast automatically starts and the homepage should have more content than just that.

1 topics   5 posts
You guys really have been helpful. We are really starting to rethink everything we are doing with the site. I think since most people probably look up game news somewhere else, we might make the focus of the news feed on editorials and second opinions on current events in games. It's almost like an analyzation of news instead of reporting it. Would that be a good idea?

1 topics   3 posts
Adam Shear wrote...
You guys really have been helpful. We are really starting to rethink everything we are doing with the site. I think since most people probably look up game news somewhere else, we might make the focus of the news feed on editorials and second opinions on current events in games. It's almost like an analyzation of news instead of reporting it. Would that be a good idea?

That could work. But I think if you were to do that, you'd have to have some hard concrete opinions and a staff that can write a lot an elaborate on what they think.

For example, if you were to do do a second opinion on the Activision Bungie "alliance" then you'd need to do some research on why this would be better then their situation with Microsoft for example. And then back that up with "X","Y", and "Z." 

Get what I'm saying?

I think a focus on podcasting would be a good idea though. Rather then just talk each week, maybe have certain topics for each day similar to what does(4 different podcasts based on completely different topics). 

2 topics   10 posts

Moderators: Tom