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Your beloved readers, =)
Just something I thought might make a good forum thread:

How in touch are you with your readers, and how does your awareness of your audience inform your approach to editorial?

14 topics   111 posts
Interesting one this. We take into consideration what the readers want, but some of our audience are extremely demanding, for instance we didn't have our review of OPF: Dragon Rising on Sunday and had a few sarcastic messages through the PM box. So yeah, some of your audience can be extremely demanding and more often than not they are those that have never reviewed a game in their life or made a video.

We have a sticky page on our forum dedicated to review requests and we tend to follow them as close as we can unless of course the games are really old of which we'll try and get round to during the lull periods in the release schedules.

2 topics   22 posts

Moderators: Tom