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Karate Monkey released for iPhone
Dear Fellows,

Overplay, Brazilian game develpment studio just released Karate Monkey Game in the first time the company invested a self-published title. 
In the game, you assume the role of a chimp that will be trained by a Sensei. Funny, quicky and addictive, the game is ideal to kill some time during the day and to challenge friends to beat scores.

We'd like to hear from community some feedback about the game. Please access

Best regards,

Jairo Margatho

2 topics   1 posts
Is very cool, I like the graphical style. Why a monkey? Does the belt change the color when you reach a new level?

See you!

1 topics   3 posts
We watched a video on Youtube where a sensei try to teach a monkey some Karate movements. The game counts on 8 belts including a Black Belt Challenge. You can also send your score to Twitter or Facebook :)


2 topics   1 posts
Are you using AGON? Cool game. I will get it.

1 topics   3 posts

Moderators: Tom