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Game Kudos site refresh


I refreshed Game Kudos ( this week and introduced new features.

Only 5 months later than I thought I'd do it ... lol


Let me know what you think

3 topics   8 posts
Really like it. What are you using for all your community features? I don't have any of that yet but to be honest not that busy. However from experience I would like to create these features early before the site becomes too big!


War of Legends Login 
2 topics   7 posts
Hey Colin, most of the site is custom build from scratch. For most of it I'm not using off the shelf products. Even the CMS I have on the back end is custom build, has advantages but can take time to push stuff out.

3 topics   8 posts
Thats cool. I am still using wordpress and I don't really see me changing that.

I want a community feel to the site. Maybe I will post on the forums to try and find suitable plugins


War of Legends Login 
2 topics   7 posts
Yeah that might be idea, I know there are all sorts of plugins etc but not having much experience of wordpress I wouldn't be able to give you much advice.

I'm from a IT background which is why I went bespoke in my case, good job with your site by the way.

3 topics   8 posts

Moderators: Tom