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I am being sued for libel by Evony
This is not good.
Evony spam commented my blog (and many others) a lot so I wrote it up.
This led to me learning more about the game and the people behind it (not good stuff) which I also wrote up.
All the truth or fair comment.
Evony threatened me with libel in the normal reputation management, threatening way. (They are also threatening The Guardian) So I published their threat.
Now they are suing me, a British blogger, in an Australian court, when they are an American front company for a Chinese game!! Libel tourism at its worst. If they succeed in being allowed to bring the action in Australia it will be a very bad day indeed for freedom of the press.

Here is an article I wrote about the whole saga:

And here are the issues involved (ABC Radio Australia):

Also I have started a Facebook group, Evony, The Truth:

10 topics   15 posts
Hi Bruce, would their claim have any merit in court? If you can prove that your comments are factually based and not conjecture then they shouldn't have a leg to stand on.

1 topics   8 posts
Unfortunately very recently Australia passed a law that states something along the lines that because someone in Australia has downloaded the content onto their computer, the content then falls under Australian jurisdiction and therefore all Australian laws. However, I believe that the case in question meant that the two people suing one another both lived in the same place - not half way across the world.

Still, it's not an acceptable practice to sue those who critique you...

3 topics   34 posts
Hi Thomas, their claims have zero merit. However getting in a position to prove that will cost hundreds of thousands of pounds. This is their tactic.

In America there is freedom of speech enshrined in the constitution. In the UK (and Australia) the law was designed to protect the rich from the gossip of their servants.
Evony can make myriad obscure claims and I have to disprove every single one in front of a jury. If they were to get judgement in Australia then it is enforceable in the UK.

10 topics   15 posts
That is ridiculous. I wonder if Evony is smart enough to realize that this is just going to make them even more universally despised.

0 topics   8 posts

10 topics   15 posts
Oh dear. I'll give this a read after work, keep us updated.

1 topics   17 posts
Adult only and Not Safe For Work here is Evony on Encyclopediadramatica:

10 topics   15 posts
Hey Bruce, we here at Incoming Pull have been supporting you on our weekly radio show. I just wanted you to know that we are behind you, mate.

1 topics   2 posts
Have you actually had a claim/court summons yet? Or is this a series of empty threats/scare-mongering?
Your local Citizen's Advice Bureau can give you free legal advice.
There should be an opportunity to have any trial moved to the UK - but again, ask the CAB about this.

14 topics   111 posts
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Moderators: Tom