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Frag Crunch needs a new slogan, Any takers?
Frag Crunch is a site that will provide you regularly with unique, exclusive, relevant and expert coverage of the gaming industry. Our team of experienced, dedicated staff provide the benchmark for our expert team of writers who cover all platforms and mediums.

Frag Crunch was originally founds as, but switch do to branding issues and the slogan "Killer Vidoe Game Coverge" dosent seem to work anymore, and my current "the REAL gamers guide is pretty lame. Any suggestions? I reccomend you take a look at my content to get an idea.

2 topics   3 posts
I'm not a native English speaker, but what about "When it comes to the crunch"? It should mean something like "where it boils down to".

5 topics   52 posts
"it's crunch time" lol

0 topics   1 posts
Adam Barndt wrote...
"it's crunch time" lol
Too simple need something out of the ordinary with a little humor.

2 topics   3 posts

Moderators: Tom