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Hey guys, I am the co-founder of this site We have been around for almost a year, and I wanted to see what other game journalists thought about the site. Our focus is gaming news as well as music (the music section is just starting out). Thanks so much guys.

1 topics   0 posts
When first visiting, I found it to be a little confusing. A quick look on the About page makes it clear that "CtrlAltKill is a site specializing in Video Games and Music." To be honest, the first thing I was thinking is that actually covered games as well as musics of all sorts, only to discover that the music part is actually only video game related music - which makes sense. 

The only menu item I found to be obsolete is the "Gallery" link in the top right corner. 

5 topics   52 posts
I really like the videogame music section of your site. It's the most appealing to me. The site design is ok. Nothing really stands out about it, but it's not over the top to where it distracts.

I also like the "Re-Reviews" of older games.

2 topics   10 posts

Moderators: Tom