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Tips / Advice for Freelance Game Journalists
Hey folks,

I've been churning out a bunch of steady features on the topic of freelancing in the video game industry. Figured that might be of interest to readers on this forum. I post new articles a few times a week about it here: and you can see the archived features here:

-Nathan Meunier
Freelance Writer / Game Journalist

6 topics   34 posts
Nice, I have read a couple but there are a ton more.


War of Legends Login 
2 topics   7 posts
Thanks! Have a new one up today and a few others scheduled soon.

6 topics   34 posts
A bunch of new freelance game journalism-related advice posts are up:

-Awesome Things About Being A Freelance Game Journalist

-Should you write for free?

-Pitching Dos and Don'ts

-Beating The Freelance Doldrums (Part 1)

-More pitching strategies to avoid epic failure

-Do you REALLY need a debug console to freelance for print?

More to come soon! New articles posted a few times a week.

6 topics   34 posts
Hey Nathan - are you happy for us to republish these on the new Gameleon public site when it launches? Happy to provide links to your site along with them? If you could write me a 20 word bio and provide a photo of yourself to go with them that'd be great

0 topics   2 posts
Hi Rich,

Possibly, could you PM me with specific details about the redesign and how this would work?


6 topics   34 posts

Moderators: Tom