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Well designed sites?
I would love to have some feedback about our website, http:/ We're still working on renewing the header, that Halo 3 -thing is being changed as we speak.

1 topics   17 posts
As my own little plug, I am still in love with the look of our site, The Wiire:

We are likely to do another redesign sometime in the near future, and I'm confident it will blow the current layout out of the water, especially with our site founder being a huge usability guy.

0 topics   2 posts
John Laster wrote...
Nick Vlamakis wrote...
It seems self-serving to do this, but I'm going to offer up my own site,, as an example. Honestly, I barely ever go to any other gaming sites besides Gamespot, Gamefaqs, and IGN, but I know that I get a lot of compliments on TNL for being a good-looking site that is also very distinct aesthetically. I think that even if I didn't run the site, I would post it as an answer to your question. You be the judge.

lol I'm not going to lie. I wasn't expecting to like your site layout as I'm normally a bit wary of people who pimp their site in all the forum posts :P

But that layout is great. It's a nice simple, attractive look. Well done!

  I Agree I really like this site


0 topics   1 posts
Everyone is doing it so I'll pimp our own website :)
Let me know what do you think about it!

BTW I have to agree, looks pretty slick! Congrats mate!

0 topics   2 posts
Everyone is doing it so I'll pimp our own website :)
Let me know what do you think about it!

BTW I have to agree, looks pretty slick! Congrats mate!
Yeah, GOG is pretty much the best site ever.

1 topics   6 posts
I'm completely fed up with the long scrolling blog look of websites. I noticed that IGN cleaned their site up a little, but it's still overly complicated. I enjoy sites like Apple that have almost everything you need accessible in less than a half a page scroll. I have such a short attention span, that if I have to spend longer than a few seconds finding what I need, I'm out!

1 topics   2 posts

Could use some feedback! Tell me what you like/dislike. Totally a work in progress.

0 topics   3 posts
maybe You can check also my site:

There are all the section in HP, like video, screenshoots, news, poll and so on.

I think it's really not bad... IMHO

P.S: sorry for bold, this gadget isn't work well


0 topics   1 posts
What do you all think of our site: ?

We decided against a long blog style for our site.

0 topics   1 posts
Well, since everyone else is doing it, I figured I'd plug our site and get some feedback on the new design.


It's still a work in progress, but I think it's a vast improvement over our old design.  I'm still trying to figure out more customizations we can do or touches we can make to improve the usability and design of the site.  I'm unfortunately not a design guy, so not my forte.

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