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Life On Games
 Hey Guys and Girls,

Would like some feedback on 


Lee Dobson
Co-Owner and Editor for Life On Games

1 topics   1 posts
A lot of people setting up WordPress videogame blogs using a theme they found on the web. What differentiates you from the rest?

You could do with a friendly About Us page or box on the site. Something to make everything a bit more welcoming and personal. If you don't have a unique design and layout, it's essential to put a face to the content.

2 topics   3 posts
Hi Lee,

Once again I agree with Ben, an "about us" page would be helpful. As far as the theme goes, it's very clean and easy on the eyes, which is a good thing. The logo is simple and the simple color switch really makes it pop. The only issue I would say you have is that this theme screams personal blog. If that's what your going for then you're all good, but if you're looking to be a fully functioning video game site then I would make a few modifications to the main content layout.

4 topics   14 posts
Hey thanks for the feedback.
The theme has been made by a personal friend of mine and is not on sale so it unique to the site at the moment. Whether he sells it the theme later on not sure.
The site is fairly new so am hoping to expand it when and where possible.

1 topics   1 posts
You say the theme was created by a personal friend, well where did he get his ideas from? Unfortunately I've seen so many sites with this similar theme. Yes it may be easy on the eyes but it's too similar to other sites.

0 topics   1 posts

Moderators: Tom