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Feedback Requested for
Ok will look later today. 


Simon Weatherall
Assistant Editor
3 topics   35 posts
I was rushing and read the wrong name! Look back, I edited!


Director of Public Relations | Chocolate Lemon |
1 topics   4 posts
I think this might be more what you're looking for in a scroll bar. A header type by-line instead of just copy-pasta text in it will help a lot, it will also make the scroll look more professional and readable. Also, making the whole box link to the article will help, having to click "read more" to go to the link seems unnecessary.

Color consistency. There are a lot of colors here and purple shouldn't be one of them. Keep it matching your header and use either black, green (recommending something like a lime-green) or red.  White may also be a good choice (effectively, transparent).
Also, you may want to talk to your editorial staff, as some of the writing needs drastic revision.  I would say the title smacks of being juvenile as well.


Contributor at
Creator of Station 54
Generally Tired Guy
0 topics   16 posts
Thanks for the input, Stephen!


Director of Public Relations | Chocolate Lemon |
1 topics   4 posts
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