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Need Help!
It seems all I do on this forum is beg people for information. I'm the writer equivalent of a starving labrador. Anyway I'm pitching three new magazines namely CVG, Edge and Gamespot UK. I've searched everywhere online but can't find email addresses for their respective editors. Anybody have them? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

4 topics   6 posts
Contact Future Publishing mate. They should be able to help you with the respective email addresses. I don't deal with anyone from any of those sites but two are owned by Future ;) 


Simon Weatherall
Assistant Editor
3 topics   35 posts
gamespot I definitely not sure about they do have a contact page in about us though


Simon Weatherall
Assistant Editor
3 topics   35 posts
I already checked through there but couldn't find an email for the editor anywhere. I'll check again though. I actually realised after making this topic that I already had CVG's editor Tim Ingham's email tucked away somewhere... oh well. Thanks for the quick reply though mate.

4 topics   6 posts
its ok mate, glad I could help. Glad you had one of the addys.


Simon Weatherall
Assistant Editor
3 topics   35 posts
Hope you get on ok..

0 topics   1 posts

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